BT Email Help - How to deal with Spam Mail in BT Email?

BT Email Help - How to deal with Spam Mail in BT Email?

What is a Spam?

Spam is unwanted and unasked for information that spammers try to shove down your throat. It is unavoidable, and if a user falls for it, it can cause them to compromise a lot of their data, including personal information and bank details. This is why BT Mail offers its email users a spam filter that tries it hardest to filter out any spam even before it enters their inbox. 

Spam is different from marketing emails as that is marketing info from which you can unsubscribe. Once you make the mistake of clicking on the unsubscribe button of a spam, it will only flood you with more spam emails.

How to avoid it?

There are some simple but delicate techniques you can follow in order to avoid spammers. When you get an email that seems even a tad bit suspicious, do not take the bait and unsubscribe to it. It is a method that will inform the spammer that they hit the right mark and the email id exists, thus paving way for more spam emails. 

Another thing not to do for a similar reason is to reply to a spam. Nothing says more real than an actual reply from the ID. Another way to avoid letting the spammer know that the email ID is valid is by turning off the images. This is because when an image is opened, it signals to the sender that the address is active. 

It is also advisable to avoid leaving behind your BT Email address on websites and forums. Spammers tend to go through the entirety of the internet in order to find more additions to their spamming list. Another thing to note is that whenever you receive an email that seems genuine but something still seems a little off, check the email address from which it was sent. This is because spammers often pose as genuine businesses and present genuine opportunities in order to trick you. 

Most importantly, never click on a link that asks for your personal information.


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